Post 46 - Final song choice
The idea for my coursework is that I want to do a music video in two parts, using Elly Bishop's new EP. Here are the songs I can find on youtube, as she has not recorded them professionally yet. Here are some of the videos on her channel..
Here are the two songs I'm using for my videos..
I wanted to use Ellys music because I think it looks fake and unbelievable when someone lip syncs with a song that is very obviously not their song. Using her own music makes everything seamless and more professional. She is also a close friend of mine which means I can ask her to be part of the video, even the main character, she can also bring in artistic views as she wrote the songs, she knows what the videos should be portraying. Elly doesn't have any music videos as she hasn't even released her EP yet so I have nothing to work off with themes or consistency. this allows me to be as artistic and free as I want.
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