Post 55 - Evaluation question 3



1.   What are your initial thoughts on the video?

2.   What are your initial thoughts on the ancillary tasks?

3.   Do you think the shooting material was appropriate to the task set?
For example,…
Controlled use of the camera?
Attention to framing?
Variety of shot sizes?
Close attention to mise en scene?

4.   What did you think of the acting in this video?

5.   Do you understand the video’s plot line?

6.   Do you think the editing helps explain the plot line?

7.   What did you think of the location choices?

8.   What did you think of the costumes?

9.   What did you think of the props?

10.Do you think the use of sound fits with the images appropriately?

11.Do you think the ancillary tasks were appropriate to the video?

12.Do you feel they linked to the video enough for you to recognise that artist?

ANALYSIS: I feel that the people I asked were a reasonable cross section of society, I interviewed people my age, in my class, in my year, younger participants and some older participants, to endure that I got a good cross section and I wasn’t asking a niche market of people their opinion on the video and ancillary tasks. I asked people who were the ideal target audience, 12-18 young teenagers. But I made sure that I also asked other samples of society to ensure my video was understandable. Having a wide range sample of the population makes sure that I ask more than just the target audience, to see whether I succeeded in making my video understandable and likeable.

Stuart halls reception theory, The theory is an active audience theory which sees the audience as being actively engaged in the interpretation of media texts, rather than passive consumers. The idea is that individuals interpret texts in different ways. It demonstrates that even though one message is sent out, that not one understanding is received. When a producer creates a text it is encoded with a meaning or message that they want to convey to a mass audience. This is called preferred reading. Sometimes the producer can encode a message that is not correctly understood by an audience making the message non effectiveNumerous factors add to whether we take the dominant, oppositional or negotiated reading. The dominant readers of my music video, my target audience will understand the meaning of it, and agree with the message that my video puts across. To prevent this type of relationship from being idealised. The negotiated readers will agree with the message of my video, but probably will not agree with the way that I have displayed it in my music video. The oppositional readers will disagree with my video and feel that it does not relate to them in any way possible, they will probably decide that youths are 

Since in this video is putting the males at the negative end of the stereotype, I wanted to compare the opinions and response of male and female as I have constructed counter types associated with gender, however this was not intentional, I only had elly as the protagonist since she is the performer and I wanted her to be viewed in a positive light as this is meant to advertise her as an artist.


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