
Showing posts from October, 2017

post 20 - Final Practice Video Task Planning (PART 2)

Another task set by my teacher was to plan, organise, film, and edit a Wes Anderson's style music video in under two hours. We got into groups that ended up as Lily, Daisy, Tazmin and I in one team. We did lots of research into how Wes Anderson usually directs his work.. Here is some of the research we used.. Just as with the tracking shot, Anderson’s deep-rooted love of symmetry in all of his shot compositions has taken shape over time. Traces of this trait can be seen in all of his early movies, of course, but cut to present, and his initial obsession has bloomed into full-blown mania. The man simply cannot resist the draw of reciprocal arrangement of props and characters in front of his camera. This attribute pops up in  Bottle Rocket  and  Rushmore , but check out everything from  The Royal Tenenbaums  onward, and it becomes more and more prevalent. the song we chose... our final video...

post 20 - Final Practice Video Task Planning (PART 1)

ONE-TAKE MUSIC VIDEO To add to practice and research, another task set by my teacher was to plan, organise, film, and edit a one-take music video in under two hours. We got into groups that ended up as Megan, Daisy, Tazmin and I in one team. Firstly, none has ever even tried to make a video like this, let alone created a one-take video, so we knew that this was going to hard, complicated and at the same time, fun. We were given the song, 'Grace Kelly - by Mika' which we thought was a brilliant and clear song to front our video. Quickly, we started to research previous professional and student-made on-take videos to see how it was done. Particular ones that stuck in my mind were the Ok Go videos, compromising of a range of weird running machine dances and science and paint experiments/domino effect videos. Once we had seen how much organisation went into these, we knew that we had to plan throughly but quickly because it may take a few tries to get it right, but each try wa...

Post 19 - Dragons Den pitch