Potential Settings: Kett's Park This is where we decided to film our preliminary task. Towards the back of the field, there is a large area of forest. This is where our characters meet, and fall in love. We chose this area as it is quite picturesque, and logically, makes sense for the story (they meet whilst walking their dog, and this is a popular dog walking area). Later on in the video, we are planning on showing them at home, perhaps arguing. For the house, we will use Megan's living room. We will focus more on the relationship, and the action, so the room will just be generic. The forest will be bright and beautiful, which will become a stark juxtaposition compared to the house. This will further portray the breakdown of their relationship, and how happy they were together, which will evoke sadness. Potential Costumes and Props: As our preliminary is set in modern day, and is realistic, we have decided to use ordinary clothes. There may be a costume change...